Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

Pumpkin exhibition at the ²Blühenden Barock² in Ludwigsburg

Thursday, 14. October, 2010:

Today everybody have to go to school. But the american childs only for 2 school-hours.
Then they are going (with the bus) again to the "Blühendes Barock" - it´s the castel-garden
from the castel in Ludwigsburg.
There they have every year in the autumn a pumpkin exhibition.
They are searching the biggest pumpkin and make with other pumpkins pretty things  (you see at the
the biggest punpkin this year

the witch from "Hänsel und Gretel"

Meg as a queen of the water lilies in the fairy-tale-garden

and here are the pumpkins:

and in the park, there are some old roundabout from the Baroque:
once you can use:

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